Following the shark attack at Surfside Beach, which is about 60 miles south of Houston, 15-year-old Garrett Sebesta was conscious and talking when he was loaded onto a stretcher by paramedics and flown by Life Flight to Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston.
“Paramedics called Life Flight because they wanted to ensure that surgeons could try to give the Needville teen complete use of his injured hand.”
According to the video report, the shark attack at Surfside Beach happened when 15-year-old Garrett Sebesta was with his church group by Surfside Beach around 3 p.m. on Monday afternoon.
The 15-year-old was standing waist-deep in water when he was all of a sudden attacked by a shark who bit his leg. In trying to get the shark off, the 15-year-old grabbed the shark with his hands resulting in a shark bite into his left hand. Because of the boy’s fight against the shark, the shark let go and disappeared back into deeper waters.
The 15-year-old started beating the shark with both hands after it had bitten his lower left leg, according to Surfside Assistant Police Chief Gregg Bisso. The shark then bit the teen on the left hand. Kids from his church group, who were in the water with him, came to his aid after he’d been bitten, Bisso said. A Surfside police officer was at scene at the time and helped bandage the teen.”
According to the teen’s mom, her son has severe nerve damage in his hand and a big chunk of his calf is missing but he is expected to survive.
According to shark expert Roy Drinnen, a shark attack like the shark attack at Surfside can happen anywhere along the coast. In the video report about the shark attack at Surfside Beach, Roy Drinnen provides some useful advice about not wearing light colored or silver clothes while at a beach that might have sharks.
After 15-year-old Garrett Sebesta fully recovers, he might add some other useful tip about what to do when a shark attacks you – fight.

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